dinsdag 15 maart 2011

PKMN RandAnimatie deel 2

Dit is de Yellow, Crystal, Emerald of Platinum van Black/White. Grote kans dat die ook echt gemaakt word, alleen is het minder zeker dat Kyurem er op staat, en dat het Grey heet. Wedje maken?

8 opmerkingen:

  1. 10k pounds that you're wrong..

  2. No, just joking.. :) It's very nice, LoDomiDe

  3. Thanks, unown... Very nice report. Why don't you follow our blog? Then you'll obtain a great amount of news. Ps Can we at least know your name? Greets!

  4. Thanks, but I can't follow your blog. I haven't got an Google-account. Are you really going to make this game? Would be nice! Ps my name's Nick. :) greetz

  5. Hi Nick,
    no, we're very sorry but we're not going to make this game for real. We don't make 'real' DS-games, but currently we're working on a 'game', but only on the PC and paper. This game plays in a new regio; the Lodo regio, with a new story, new and homedrawn Pokémon (they're al going to be uploaded under the subpage "De Echte NeoPokémon". You can also travel to all other regio's of the Pokéworld, but more details will be given when we scanned our images an started to create our new and third blog.. We'll see about that! Gr. LoDomiDe

  6. Nice! I can't wait to see this new blog! Keep me up to date! :) I already saw some scanned battle pictures. They're evolutions arent they? I reconized Pokémon like heracless and auriolu an lapland. grtzz. Nick

  7. Yes indeed, Nick! xD we'll keep you up to date via our blog! CU
